July 29, 2024
Training CORE beyond Abs: Front to Back
Here we have a guest blog post by Samson Back, one of Semiahmoo Fitness World’s finest trainer is giving us insight into understanding training core.
Posterior and Anterior loaded exercises are both great ways to get strong and stay healthy and functional. This post isn’t going to be pitting the two against each other and saying you should use either one, but more comparing the two and explaining what function they can serve in your workout program to get the best results for you!
Anterior Loaded exercises are usually referred to as the functional type of loading. This would mainly be due to the need to maintain a rigid torso when executing the movement (not that posteriorly loaded doesn’t but more on that later) and if you think it about, real world application. In the “real world”, we usually carry things in front of us. Laundry baskets, moving boxes, furniture and for parents, their little ones. Lots of things are done in the anterior side of the body, thus making there a need to load that aspect of the body. Exercises like goblet squats, front rack kb squats/lunges and barbell front squats are great for this. Needing to hold great posture, maintain that posture through movement and load will have great carry over to those activities I mentioned above and more!

Anterior loaded exercises are going to challenge the rectus and transversus abdominis mostly to maintain that good posture. If the rigidity falters, the spine will flex and the weight will fall. Exercises like loaded front rack carries are great for this as well. Front Loaded Squats are good at challenging quad strength, along with ankle and knee flexion (this will also apply to front loaded lunges).
Exercises like RDLs, Stiff legged deadlifts, anterior loaded good mornings will target different muscles (erectors, glutes and hamstrings), but still challenge the same core muscles that are necessary for healthy and strong movement. Anterior loaded movements are great additions into your workout plan as a beginner as well.
Normally it will be easier to get into the position to hold the load of an anterior loaded exercise (minus the barbell front squat, that requires adequate external rotation of the shoulder and thoracic extension for the bar to rest easily over the shoulder). Beginners and even intermediate/experienced lifters can progress and utilize a goblet squat in their program to build strength and a good set of quads!
Posterior Loaded exercises are fantastic for building power output and overall strength in the body. The body can support a lot of weight through its posterior chain. There are big structures and muscle groups that the weight can disperse through (the spine, pelvis, erector complex, glutes, core, etc.). With that extra capability for handling load, is also where posterior loaded exercises (mainly barbell back squats) can get a bad name from gym goers. Lifting more than you can handle will cause a lot of shearing forces through the lumbar spine and can lead to injury. Ensuring using proper form and weights should allow you to avoid this. Having a buddy with you to check your form is always recommended!

If you’re a strength athlete that wants to get as strong as possible, the barbell back squat is the best option due to the loading capabilities, you won’t be able to maximally load what you can in a back squat as you can in a front squat. Athletes like football, baseball, shot put, discus, wrestling and javelin will use heavy back squats as the main driver for their lower body strength and use anterior loaded exercises and accessories during the workout.

Differing between whether to use anterior or posterior loaded exercises is totally based on what goals you have within the gym! If you’re a parent that wants to be healthy, pain free and have an increased play span with your kids, anterior loaded exercises are a great way to do that and realistically all you need for lower body exercises! If you’re an athlete needing maximum power and strength or just want really strong legs in general, the back squat is going to be the main driver for those. I will add this, if you want a big barbell front squat (or really any strong anterior loaded exercise), increasing your back squat will be important as it is the most optimal way to maximally load your legs.
Posterior and anterior loaded exercises are both fantastic additions to your program and should be utilized regularly to build an overall healthy and strong body. There’s so many options and variations between the two that you won’t get bored of either.
Looking for a personal trainer in the Semiahmoo area? Look no further than Samson Back, this guest blog post’s author. You can find him at the Semiahmoo Fitness World in Whiterock Surrey. Also check out this instagram for fitness content.
Looking to understand more about the science of personal training? Look no further than the BCPTI Personal Trainer Certification program.

Looking to get certified as a personal trainer in BC?
Here at the British Columbia Personal Training Institute, we provide the option of in-person learning, online only, and hybrid learning. BCPTI teaches the NASM Personal Trainer curriculum and is one of the best options to get your personal training certification in BC. This assists our prospective students by offering greater choice and flexibility. Our program teaches students to gain, train and retain their clients through integration of the NASM CPT with industry relevant coaching and support.

Our program is 8 weeks long with a 1 week reading break to give students the additional time to catch up on content. There are 2 intakes, day and night to provide more options. Full time within our program is 3 lectures per week.
Day Intake: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8am-3:30pm
Night Intake: Tuesday & Thursday from 5-9pm AND Saturday 9-4pm
BCPTI also integrates a practicum experience with our partners at Fitness World Canada to provide our students the opportunity to shadow and learn from current personal trainers. The practicum experience assists students with exposure to additional facilities, networking with fitness professionals and receiving additional coaching and learning opportunities.
Moreover, by completing our program requirements, we offer job placement at Fitness World by facilitating the hiring process (note: this does not guarantee a job).
Interested in becoming a personal trainer? Look no further and reach out below to get more information.
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