June 4, 2024
Progress not perfection
If you’ve ever trained with me, you’ll know my favorite slogan is: “We strive for progress, not perfection.” More importantly, sometimes we need to regress to progress.
Understanding that perfection is not an immediate goal can transform both the coach-client relationship and the journey itself. Embracing imperfection with grace makes the process more enjoyable and sustainable.

Learning to move your body is like learning a new language. Running, lunging, squatting, and hinging are skills that require patience and practice. Give your clients the space to make mistakes and celebrate small victories along the way. These seemingly insignificant wins often accumulate into the greatest successes over time.

Consider the journey beyond the scale. Many individuals start their fitness journeys with the goal of weight loss, but what lies beneath that desire? Is it just a number on the scale, or is it the aspiration to feel truly at home in one’s own skin? Understanding the deeper motivations behind our fitness endeavors can lead to more meaningful and sustainable progress.

Moving well is about more than aesthetics; it’s about fundamentally changing who we are at a physiological level. Muscle not only alters our appearance but also increases our metabolic needs, influences our hormones, and reduces body fat percentage. Focusing on milestones like connecting with our glutes or exercising without pain lays the groundwork for lasting transformation.
Setbacks are a natural part of the journey. Pain may arise as our bodies adapt and evolve, but it doesn’t always signify injury. Embracing setbacks as opportunities for growth can propel us forward in unexpected ways.
As you embark on your fitness journey, remember to have patience, forgive yourself for setbacks, and embrace the process with open arms. It’s not about achieving perfection—it’s about progressing, one step at a time, towards becoming the best version of yourself.

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