December 8, 2021

Fitness Gift Guide FOR your Personal Trainer

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the mad dash to demonstrate our gratefulness for the special people in our lives. A gift card goes out to loved ones, teachers, dentists; how about some love for that exceptional Personal Trainer in your life? Personal Trainers work tirelessly to deliver great workouts and behaviour change strategies to improve people’s lives considerably, and a Fitness Gift could be a simple way to show appreciation. I mean, think about it – how many times does your dentist think about you in between appointments? I’m willing to bet it doesn’t come anywhere close to how much your Trainer thinks about you between sessions.

But what do you get a Personal Trainer as a small token of appreciation during the Holiday Season? Gift cards are usually a pretty safe bet. I mean, surely you shouldn’t get Trainers chocolate or too much holiday baking. Deodorant is a little on the nose (Trainers – if you get a stick of deodorant as a gift, do everyone a favour, and use it!). Some Trainers love to get a bottle of wine or other alcohol, but let’s be honest – we use it to try and forget some of the terrifying exercises “techniques” we see regularly at work. Oh, and trust me, every Trainer has at least a dozen shaker bottles rattling away in their car – yes, even the Captain America one from GNC.

Don’t get me wrong, though; Trainers are emphatically appreciative when anyone gives us a gift, regardless of occasion or magnitude. Based on some polling, here are some of the favourite gifts that Trainers have received that go a little beyond a gift card for coffee. So, without further ado, here is the Holiday Gift Card Guide for your Personal Trainer:

Apparel Fitness Gift

No Trainer (in Vancouver, at least) can resist the excitement that Lululemon gear derives. Windbreakers, tights, backpacks, yoga blocks, Lululemon has everything your Personal Trainer needs to look stylish in the gym, on the trail, or at family dinner – check out their Team Canada collection here!

Fitness Gift Rating – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Almost all Trainers love Lululemon – Almost.

Fitness Town Gift Card

This next one is a bit risky – your Trainer might be motivated to buy a piece of equipment and use it against you in the next session! It would be to your benefit and the benefit of others, of course. A gift card to Fitness Town will help your Trainer stay in shape and help them start (or continue) building an inventory of exercise equipment – check out their Store Locations here!

Fitness Gift Rating – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Every Trainer can get a lot of mileage out of a Fitness Town Gift Card.

Barbell Box Subscription

Subscription boxes have become extremely popular over the last few years. They are simple in concept and all boast receiving a package of goods at a higher value than you pay. For example, Barbell Box is a subscription company that curates its boxes specifically to fitness enthusiasts. You can subscribe for one month, three months, six months, or 12 months, which yields discounts the longer you subscribe. There are supplement samples, fitness apparel, protein bars, a magazine, and other fitness gear in the box. Every box is different and provides excitement every time it shows up on the doorstep – check out Barbell Box here!

Fitness Gift Rating – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

There is significant variance from box to box, allowing your Trainer to learn more about other fitness products and supplements.

Massage and Spa Gift Card

Although it may be hard to believe, Trainers work out too. Finding time to work out between sessions can often be challenging. To make up for the lack of time, we often work out super hard, in a short period, with half a belly of food and a sub-optimal warm-up/cooldown process. Needless to say, our muscles are sore most of the time, and it’s nice to get those kinks worked out regularly.

Fitness Gift Rating – ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Some Trainers already have wellness routines, ask questions to make sure you get the right Gift Card for them.

Activity Fitness Gift

Given the options in the Lower Mainland (and beyond), it’s easy to see why so many Trainers enjoy getting lost on the mountains over the weekend. Winter in Vancouver is synonymous with ski and snowboard season. All 3 major mountains in North Vancouver (Grouse Mountain, Cypress, and Mount Seymour) all have 3 day passes available that can be redeemed whenever the holder decides. Cypress and Grouse also offer “savings on future tickets” for the Trainer who especially loves Winter Sports.

Fitness Gift Rating – ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Some Trainers have never snowboarded before or don’t have the equipment. For enthusiasts, easily a 5-star gift.

Don’t Worry, There is ZERO Obligation

Do you have to get your Trainer a gift? Absolutely not. You are not obligated to spend more money on a personal gift for your Personal Trainer. But the question has come up from my clients, friends, students, and co-workers. Instead of the traditional “you don’t have to get me anything” response, I’ve realized how enjoyable it is to give a gift; it’s almost as exciting as receiving one yourself. Annoyingly, Trainers are supposed to have rigid morals around food and alcohol, and we certainly don’t need MORE coffee than we already consume. These gift ideas serve Trainers in a unique way that they won’t soon forget.


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