Professional Development & Client Interaction

/Professional Development & Client Interaction

3 Ways to Drive Progression

The most common ways to progress an exercise are through changing sets, reps and load. In most programs, those can often become the only means of progression despite the flexibility to adjust other factors. Let's dive into 3 other ways we can drive progression Tempo Tempo refers to the duration of the eccentric, isometric and [...]

Great Technique and Form: The Lost Art of Gains

Let’s dive into the often overlooked but critical aspect of fitness training - proper technique and form. We'll explore the impact of correct form on your results and the potential negative adaptations that can arise from neglecting this essential element of training. Section 1: The Power of Proper Technique and Form Mind-Muscle Connection and Muscle [...]

7 Study Tips for NASM’s Personal Trainer Certification

Here are 7 tips that you can utilize to set yourself up for success while studying for the National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Training program whether you are self-studying or apart of BCPTI. Familiarize yourself with the NASM CPT exam format and content: The NASM CPT exam is a computer-based test that consists [...]

Likeability, Trust, & Rapport: Keys to Client / Trainer Success

Personal training as an industry continues to grow and evolve beyond the physical benefits as we recognize the mental health components. What we see is the interplay between physical health on our mental health and vice versa. For some, taking care of their physical health through exercising, being active and doing the things they love [...]

How does the TFM Course Make You Better at Programming?

Recovery is an essential tool and separates elite trainers from average. The TFM course includes the best practices from Fascial Stretch Therapy, Muscle Activation Techniques, and Functional Range Conditioning into one advanced system. Delivering results across the five pillars of fitness is the cornerstone standard of PT service. When you are a newly certified trainer, [...]

TFM – An Intro to Therapeutic Fascial Mobility

Therapeutic Fascial Mobility (TFM) is a tool we can use as trainers to impact the state of a client's nervous system, improve flexibility and add an extra level of service to our client's sessions.  Therapeutic Fascial Mobility is a practice of assisted stretching that focuses on stretching fascial nets instead of isolated muscle groups. We [...]

Beyond the Session – Client Support

Although I have only been in the fitness industry for about two years, it is evident that client needs are constantly evolving. Although client needs are changing, technology and other modalities have become popular to support our clients beyond the session. Currently, trainers, fitness companies, and coaches have access to tools that allow clients to [...]

Trainerize: The Future of Personal Training

The fitness industry is infamous for its notoriously quick pace of innovation. Jazzercise took the industry by storm in the '80s; Richard Simmons caught the attention of daytime television in the '90s. In the 2000's Yoga, spin classes, circuit workouts, and kettlebell training earned their places in regularly scheduled fitness classes, while the 2010s saw [...]

Squat Variations for New Clients: by Courtney Parson

Our clients know how to sit on a chair. They do it every day. No matter their age, their lifestyle, their occupation, your clients squat. Even if they don't know that they do, they squat. A squat is not just an exercise, It's a movement pattern. Usually, what I find is when I ask someone [...]

The BCPTI Practicum – a Review

The BCPTI Practicum - a Review by Jamie Bagoly and Eve Chan Picking your Personal Training Certification can be tough. There are so many options, and when you are shopping online, you are only given so much information about each certification. There are few schools around that teach these complex certifications, and as a [...]