

Building & Maintaining Your Business as a New Personal Trainer

You got through the 1st major hurdle got yourself certified as a personal trainer. The next step is to become successful, but that begs the question, how do we do that? As a newly certified personal trainer, you may not have a lot of clients to train initially. There are many behaviors that contribute to [...]

Progress not perfection

If you've ever trained with me, you'll know my favorite slogan is: "We strive for progress, not perfection." More importantly, sometimes we need to regress to progress. Understanding that perfection is not an immediate goal can transform both the coach-client relationship and the journey itself. Embracing imperfection with grace makes the process more enjoyable and [...]

Knees Over Toes: Tips for Squats

"You shouldn't let your knees go over your toes." A common fitness belief that has been around for ages. It's easy to be inundated with conflicting information on all topics with the access to an infinite amount of information. Common beliefs are usually rooted in some truth that has morphed over time where the nuanced [...]

Psychology & Behavioral Coaching: How to Increase Client Adherence and Success

As a Personal Trainer, coaching our clients goes beyond the session and one singular domain. Personal trainers assist their clients in fitness, nutrition, or personal development so understanding the nuances of psychology can significantly impact client adherence and success. Beyond simply prescribing workouts or nutrition support, effective personal trainers delve into the intricacies of behavior, [...]

Great Technique and Form: The Lost Art of Gains

Let’s dive into the often overlooked but critical aspect of fitness training - proper technique and form. We'll explore the impact of correct form on your results and the potential negative adaptations that can arise from neglecting this essential element of training. Section 1: The Power of Proper Technique and Form Mind-Muscle Connection and Muscle [...]

Which Diet is Best for My Client?  The Skinny on Fab Diets!

By Andrea Robb Have you ever had a client say “I tried this diet but I didn’t get the results I wanted” or “what do you think of this diet?”  Every year there seems to be new diet trends popping up on the market or famous celebrities who swear by a new supplement they found [...]

By | June 16th, 2023|Habits, Nutrition|0 Comments

Do I Really Need to Warm-Up Before Working out?

(by Andrea Robb) What’s the Big Deal? “Let’s get to the workout as soon as possible” or “I need to make sure that every muscle in my body is warmed up before we workout”.  I’m sure we all are on one side or the other or somewhere in between when it comes to a proper [...]

By | May 1st, 2023|Function, Habits, Mobility & Movement, Warm Up|0 Comments

7 Study Tips for NASM’s Personal Trainer Certification

Here are 7 tips that you can utilize to set yourself up for success while studying for the National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Training program whether you are self-studying or apart of BCPTI. Familiarize yourself with the NASM CPT exam format and content: The NASM CPT exam is a computer-based test that consists [...]

Likeability, Trust, & Rapport: Keys to Client / Trainer Success

Personal training as an industry continues to grow and evolve beyond the physical benefits as we recognize the mental health components. What we see is the interplay between physical health on our mental health and vice versa. For some, taking care of their physical health through exercising, being active and doing the things they love [...]

Beyond the Session – Client Support

Although I have only been in the fitness industry for about two years, it is evident that client needs are constantly evolving. Although client needs are changing, technology and other modalities have become popular to support our clients beyond the session. Currently, trainers, fitness companies, and coaches have access to tools that allow clients to [...]