Become a certified trainer
Get certified in only 8 weeks!
Ready to turn your passion for fitness into a career?
Getting Your Personal Training Certification has Never Been Easier!

Our integrated learning approach gives students the confidence and practical skills to start their training careers right after graduation. And for those who take advantage of our guaranteed interview with Fitness World gyms, we continue to support their professional development beyond the classroom.
Based out of our private training facility in Richmond, BCPTI offers students the ability to take what they learn in class and immediately apply it in the weight room with their classmates under the supervision and guidance of highly experienced educators.
This unique, integrated approach to learning lets students hit the ground running when they begin their careers as Trainers shortly after graduation. Become a Certified Trainer in 8 weeks by reserving your spot in our next class!
Class Options

Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 8am-3:30pm
*Remote/hybrid available

– Tuesday & Thursday from 5-9pm AND Saturday from 9-4pm
– *Remote/hybrid available
What’s included in your tuition?

Live Classes
Live Classes with instructors who are all working Personal Trainers and Fitness Managers including assessments, workouts, equipment and exercise demos, and lots of time practicing these skills with peers and mock clients.

Class Materials
- NASM CPT textbook and access to NASM’s Digital Learning Platform.
- Student binder including syllabus, study guide, worksheets and templates for all in-class workshops & activities.
- Access to the FWOPT training app including thousands of videos in the exercise library, workout templates, programs, habit coaching, communication, etc. *this app is used by our job partners so students get early access and training on this platform!

NASM’s Digital Learning Platform
- Videos & full textbook support
- Learning activities & worksheets
- Practice quizzes and multiple versions of practice exams
- Blank PDF templates to use once you’re a trainer
BCPTI Exclusives
*Guaranteed job interview does not guarantee a job. Applicants are still required to demonstrate their skillset and pass the interview.
What will you learn?
Week 1 – Motivation System: understanding communication, behaviour change, goal setting & psychology *execute the client intake interview & students are given access to a client account on Trainerize
Week 2 – The Sciences: human anatomy (Nervous, skeletal & muscular system) cardiorespiratory training, digestive system, endocrine system (hormones,)
*execute the 3-min Cardio Step Test
Week 3 – The Sciences: posture, functional biomechanics & client screening (assessments)
*Execute and coach fitness assessments (Push, Pull, Overhead squat, Single leg squat, wall slide and full plank)
Week 4 – READING BREAK *no live classes (See Class Syllabus for dates)
Week 5 – Nutrition, supplementation and the OPT model
Week 6 – Program Design: program design model, acute variables & periodization; programming for weight loss, lean body mass gain, sports conditioning & wellness; manipulating workouts & recovery modalities
Week 7 – Program Design & Special Populations: training older adults, pregnant clients, kids’ fitness & overweight/obese clients.
Week 8 – Business of PT & Final Practical Evaluation: business planning, building your business, maintaining your business, client retention, marketing, social media, liability & risk
*Final Practical Evaluation is when you’ll be conducting a mock 1st session with a mock client. Time will be given to build rapport, program and conduct a personal training session
Certified Personal Trainer Course Pricing

$2,500 + tax
18 Live Classes
Access to all Student Benefits
Payment Plans Available

$2,950 + tax
18 Live Classes
Access to all Student Benefits
Payment Plans Available
Ready to Register?
To reserve your spot, we can accept a $500 deposit with the rest of tuition as split payments. Tuition must be paid in full prior to the CPT exam. All BCPTI courses are non-refundable and non-transferable.